Black Moms and the Infant Mortality Crisis

The facts are Alarming!!!

There is, unfortunately, anindisputable truth in America: that black mothers, in addition to their babies, die for a staggering rate during childbirth.When compared to their white counterparts, even across class lines, the gap is shocking.

Even on their prenatal appointments, black women are treated unbelievably poorly. Their concerns are ignored and minimized by doctors; medical staff treat them rudely; not forgetting the institutionalized, systemic racism that black most of us endure throughout American society, which, for black women, is compounded by experiences of sexism.

Simone Landrum’s story

One of the extremely recent full-fledged investigations in the crisis of American infant mortality rates was the New York Times Magazine cover story, “Why America’s Black Mothers and Babies Are in a very Life-Or-Death Crisis published by journalist Linda Villarosa (a black mother herself).

The feature article, which became available in April of 2018, detailed their cumulative research containing proven which the crisis exists, and in addition followed the non-public journey of an Simone Landrum, a black mother who suffered the tragic example of delivering a stillborn baby caused by medical complications which were arguably quite preventable.

Despite advocating for herself on multiple occasions to her doctor, telling him of her severe symptoms, like intense swelling, strong headaches, and sensitivity to light, her doctor ignored her pleas for help, instead declaring that to de-stress and simply require some Tylenol. After Landrum later found her medical file, in addition, it revealed which the same office had measured her high blood pressure, which indicated an alarmingly high reading, that no action was taken.

This negligence generated Landrum eventually losing her baby on account of complications linked to her extremely high blood pressure level. The article then follows Landrum’s journey of becoming pregnant again-this time, sustained by a doula, who helped her both process her grief and progress towards delivering a normal baby boy.

The dilemna in America

Unfortunately, Simone Landrum’s story is onlyone of numerous. Countless research has proven the fact black mothers are treated substantially worse than white mothers throughout their pregnancies.

Villarosa’s article references several shocking statistics, including:

“In 1960, the United States was ranked 12th among civilized world in infant mortality. Since then, featuring its rate largely driven with the deaths of black babies, the United States has fallen behind now ranks 32nd from the 35 wealthiest nations.”
“Black infants in America at the moment are more than doubly likely to die as white infants – 11.3 per 1,000 black babies, in comparison with 4.9 per 1,000 white babies, good most recent government data.”
“… black women of their mid-20s had very high teenage girls did – presumably simply because they were older and stress had more hours to affect their own health. For white mothers, the exact opposite proved true: Teenagers had the greatest risk of infant mortality, and women into their mid-20s the smallest.”
“… few from the field now dispute which the black-white disparity from the deaths of babies is related to never the genetics of race but to your lived example of race in this particular country.”

These statistics and findings are striking: it is deemed an undeniable fact that black mothers as well as their babies face dramatically different obstacles and outcomes.

Americans, and our politicians, enjoy touting our international prestige and standing. It is then profoundly shameful that, despite leading the entire world in many areas, we have all but forgotten the lives, and dignity, of black women along with their babies.

How could we boast about freedom when black women in addition to their babies are certainly not given equal freedom to get fair medical therapy? This crisis is widespread and, and it is time for Americans to appreciate its gravity.

How you are able to arm yourself just for this difficult battle

No matter how unfair this case is, the unfortunate the fact is that black mothers must still attempt to navigate this broken system regardless of the barriers they face. If you are facing this struggle yourself, we’ve compiled many ways for how it is possible to actively work to counteract the incredible volume of bias and discrimination within America today:

1. Seek out community organizations which work to support black mothers as part of your state.

The Times Magazine article specifically follows the task of Birthmark Doulas; a New Orleans collective which gives care for women of numerous backgrounds and classes. Their doula services are around for a fee, over a sliding scale, or perhaps free of cost for low-income women.

The Time Magazine story traces your way of Simone Landrum, and exactly how her doula, Latona Giwa, supported her during her later pregnancy, during childbirth, and in some cases post-partum. The story illuminates how Giwa provided much-needed emotional support, and ways in which she literally advocated for Landrum during her delivery if the medical team treated her poorly.

This would be to say that organizations like Birthmark Doulas may help support you inside a system that is certainly, to put it mildly, stacked against you. Whether you are able to afford to spend their fees you aren’t, this is often a invaluable resource for you to get more personalized and sensitive care. Seek out community organizations in your town, with an internet search, or maybe your own medical practitioner.

2. Make a conscious effort to advocate by yourself during medical appointments.

Whether there is a doula you aren’t, it is usually a good idea to be vocal about your needs and concerns in your medical appointments. It’s sad until this is the reality, however the odds are a large number of doctors might dismiss your concerns and ignore your symptoms, even if you know deep down likely serious.

Again, it’s really a grim reality, but also in order to safeguard both your personal health and the healthiness of your baby, please insure of standing up by yourself during your medical appointments.

If your physician seems dismissive, repeat your concerns: For example, “I realize that you’re not focused on this symptom, but I truly believe that it must be serious. Could you please run some other tests, or refer me into a specialist for just a second opinion?” The doctor might get defensive or angry along with you, but realize that it’s well within your rights to communicate in up yourself when you imagine that you’re receiving treatment unfairly.

If you’re feeling nervous about achieving this alone, perhaps bring your companion, a relative, a friend, or maybe your doula along with you to your appointments to enable them to chime in as long as they notice you’re being managed unfairly. Again, it’s wrong which you even must take these extremes measures within the first place, but being your individual advocate can assist mitigate the discrimination you could possibly face.

3. Practice some relaxation processes to decrease your stress threshold.

High stress levels are normal not just in black mothers, however in black women generally, most likely caused by the societal discrimination you may face. This extreme level of stress will surely have detrimental effects on both your own personal health and the fitness of your baby.

An excellent article on titled “We Need To Rethink What We Tell Black Mothers About Coping With Stress”explains a few ways in which you may try to reduce stress levels. The authors, Aisha Collins and Fatima Varner, note his or her research and what they’ve learned.

The authors remember that, for a lot of women, mindfulness could be effective. This is one of the very common recommendations manufactured by medical practitioners to help with stress, and does hold some merit.

But interestingly, they observe that, into their own survey, it absolutely was found that for black women, prayer is very much more effective. They also observe that, when it comes to methods, attempting to “pray with gratitude” looks like it’s more effective than prayers focused on your individual mistakes.

So, consider adding either mindfulness meditation or some form of prayer into your life. If you prefer prayer, attempt to reflect on what you are thankful for in your own life. It could seriously help your stress threshold.


My hope as a parent and freelance journalist is that it article has provided you with many much-needed info on the current infant mortality crisis in America. Remember that you simply deserve the top medical care possible, but, you could possibly need to be very vocal in order to obtain it. My future released book: Our Fault: The Infant Mortality Rate along with the Black Community; will delve deeper. Ruminate, always search for resources inside your local community first, stand up for your self, and try your easiest to reduce your stress threshold through items like prayer meditation and thanksgiving; finally, be encouraged since there is hope!